Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Holocaust & International Criminal Court & Sudan Responses

International Criminal Court and Sudan:

After watching the clip of the intrview of President Bashir I could not stop laughing at his responses. Is he for real? He doesn't give out go reasons to how he is not involved. He just says things like theres no such thing as mass rape. He sounds just like Hitler, when he said he wasn't harming the Jews and even showed worked camps to outsiders. But now we know what actually was going on. I think they should put him on trail. How does a person like that become president? First off they say how dry he is, how does he capture the attention of the country? Who would actually pay attention and follow him? I mean lets look at former US President Ronald Reagan who was known as 'The Great Communicator'. Reagan was a master at delivering simple concepts that everyone could understand, but how does a nation follow President Bashir? The lady intreviewing him couldn't stand him and was being border line nasty time him. Lastly, how could someone be so evil? We are all humans, yes we all have made mistakes, but not to a whole nation. He really needs to put himself into the shoes of his victims.


I watched the video on Peter S. ( and he talked about how the old and handicapped were put on a different side, and to prevent his mom from being taken away, she made her neck seem huge on both sides. I just cant grasp how such an event could happen, with Jews from all over Europe coming together into the camps. The Jews themselves realized something wasn't kosher, or else why would his mom cover herself up. I just don't get how there can be so much evil out there. And the worst part is, it still is happening today.

Then I watched the video of Hy Abrahms ( and he talked about hiding when all the Jews from there community were ordered to leave. The saddest part was how his classmates shot at him and ratted him out. Furthermore, Hy doesn't think that was the worst part, but how his friend that he has known all his life, pulled the golde earings out of a young girls ear. They are all from the same community. What happened to good neighbors that are always there for you? And on the same wensite I watched Henry Greenblatt and how he escaped from the ghetto to buy food and bring it back for the family. It was a great video that shows no matter what sutituation Jews are in, they can be prosperious!

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