Friday, April 3, 2009

Traces of the trade

So better late then never....My blog is finally working... After seeing "Traces of the Trade", I didn't really know what to think. My reaction at first was, what is the overall goal in tracing the steps of your ancestors to Ghana and Cuba, just to see how horrible the slaves were treated? To me it seemed as if they wanted to clear their conscious saying that they went through that experience and it was horrible, and they could sympathize with those who were in the trade route of the DeWolf family. But the family seemed disappointed in some way because they were not able to experience it. They only way you can experience a slave trade is if you were physically there... 
The movie was disturbing to me, this family of upper class, who all went to ivy league schools, wanted to go and see the way slaves were traded by their family members. Yes, it is a shameful history, but why not acknowledge it and then just try everything in your power to talk about it within the US. Talk about it in schools, churches, raise charities or something for reparations. Why take a trip to help ease your guilty conscious about your heritage.  

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